Eternal Life – Apostle’s Creed #11

The majority of believe believe that there is some kind of eternal life – but what does it actually look like? There’s a lot of confusion on this even among Christians. In the final session of the creed we look at what eternal life will be like.

This is the final part of the course! You can do the whole course here on the website.

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Our King and Judge – Apostle’s Creed #8

The Ascension is probably the most overlooked aspect of Jesus’ time on earth. And yet it is deeply significant! In this session we look at the significance of Jesus’ resurrection – what it means for us, and how he will come again as judge.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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A Risen Lord – Apostle’s Creed #7

“On the third day he rose again” – seven words which changed the world. But what does it mean, and how is it significant for us? In this video we look at the world-changing significance of the resurrection.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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The God who dies – Apostle’s Creed #6

If it’s amazing that Jesus came as a man, it’s doubly so that he came and died. But why did he die? And what does it mean that we should do in response?

Suggested Reading

One of the best books about the cross is John Stott “The Cross of Christ”. It actually appeared in my video 10 books to renew your mind – you can check out what I said about it there.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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The man Christ Jesus – Apostle’s Creed #5

If Jesus was God, how come he was also a man? How do those things fit together? And why is it important anyway?

Suggested Reading

Bruce Ware wrote a book called “The Man Christ Jesus”, subtitle “Theological reflections on the humanity of Christ”, which I found very helpful at the time.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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Jesus, Son of God, our Lord – Apostle’s Creed #4

Christianity is all about Christ – that’s why it’s so important to understand who he is. In this video we look at the next line of the apostle’s creed, “I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord”. What does that say about who Jesus is and what it means for us?

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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God our Creator – Apostle’s Creed #3

One of the most fundamental things to understand about Christianity is that God is our Creator. It’s a distinctive of Christianity and it makes a practical difference to our lives. In this session on the Apostle’s Creed we look at the line “Maker of heaven and earth”.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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God our Father – Apostle’s Creed #2

What does it mean to believe in God the Father? In the second part of the Apostle’s Creed we look at what difference it makes to call God ‘Our Father’.

Recommended books

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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