A vision of heaven – Revelation 21:1-27 Sermon

People often wonder: “What will heaven be like?” In this sermon we have a glimpse of what the new creation will be like. Are we looking forward to the new creation, and living in line with the way things will be one day?

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Trumpet call or God’s megaphone – Revelation 8-9 Sermon

Why is there so much chaos, suffering and death in the world? Why do natural disasters happen, as well as suffering and pain? In this chapter from Revelation we see things from the heavenly perspective.

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Sermons are also available on the podcast.

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The four horsemen of the apocalypse – Revelation 6 Sermon

Often the world seems like a chaotic and dangerous place: wars, famines, plagues and pandemics… the list goes on. This passage warns us that we should expect these things, and not to lose sight of what’s most important.

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Sermons are also available on the podcast.

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