Does God plan everything? – Westminster Shorter Catechism #8

In this session we are thinking about how we see God’s plan in action. Does God really plan everything? We also think about some of the difficult questions that raises about free will!

Explore Further

I recommend the same books I recommend last week:

You might also appreciate session #10 of the Heidelberg Catechism on God’s Providence. If you’d like to explore more about God’s power and knowledge, check out the Get to know God series, especially #6 – God is infinitely powerful.

More Thought for the Week…

This is part of the weekly Thought for the Week series. This series is designed to give a short, 10-15 minute ‘thought’, including a Bible reading and a prayer. Currently I am working through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. You can see all videos on the catechism on this playlist.

Do subscribe to the mailing list if you want to get these delivered in a weekly email, or subscribe directly on YouTube if you want to see them there.

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