Baptism pt 2 – baptising infants (Heidelberg 27)

We continue thinking about baptism in this session (following on from the previous session) and there are two important questions: (1) does baptism just work in and of itself, and (2) should we baptise infants?

The question of baptising infants is something which churches do not agree on today. At the time of the Reformation (when the Heidelberg Catechism was written), it was the practice of Reformed churches such as the Church of England to retain this practice. In this session we’ll take a brief overview of why the Reformers believed this was right. I do not wish to be divisive! But it can be helpful to look at other perspectives and remember that Christians may disagree on certain things without it being an issue of critical importance.

There are three questions in this session:

  • Q72: Does this outward washing with water itself wash away sin?
  • Q73: Why then does the Holy Spirit call baptism the washing of regeneration and the washing away of sin?
  • Q74: Should infants, too, be baptised?

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4 thoughts on “Baptism pt 2 – baptising infants (Heidelberg 27)

  1. I love watching your Heidelberg I can only find Lord’s day #27
    are there more? You have a wonderful way of connecting with others and I enjoy your presentations..thank you.
    Sheri Obert

    1. Hi Sheri, thank you, I’m really pleased you like the videos! I have some bad news I’m afraid… although I did complete the Heidelberg course, I never uploaded it to YouTube and it is now lost. This is because it was the first proper course I did on UTB and I was never very happy with it, and I moved on to other courses.

      If you like the Heidelberg Catechism series, you might enjoy Firm Foundations – which is based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Those are all available on this playlist:

      I probably will come back to the Heidelberg at some point, so do keep your eye on the channel / mailing list 🙂

      God bless, Phill

  2. Thank you so much for replying, You are just so informative and easy to follow..I will check out your other series..Thank-you for following God’s plan gor your life!! it’s a blessing to us! God’s blessing and grace and love over you and your family! I pray for you often..
    Sheri and Don Obert

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