Walking Together – Practical Guide to Holiness #23

Walking with God is not a solitary journey, but one we must walk with other Christians. In this session we think about how important the church is and what it means to fulfil our responsibilities to our fellow Christians.

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Walking with God – Practical Guide to Holiness #22

As we come near to the end of the holiness course, we look at something which sums up what it means to live in holiness: walking with God. What does it mean to walk with God, and how do we do it?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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God’s work in God’s way – Practical Guide to Holiness #21

It’s easy to appear to do the right things without doing them in the right way. This is especially important in the Christian life: we need to do God’s work in God’s way. In this session we think about what that means, and how we need the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to give us the love that we need.

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Godly Relationships – Practical Guide to Holiness #20

In the previous session we thought about loving the church, but what about our other relationships? How should we relate to our family, friends, work colleagues, and so on? In this video we think about why relationships are fundamental and what they should look like.

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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19. Loving the Church – Practical Guide to Holiness

“The Church” is neither a building nor an event, but God’s people. We are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is vital to understand if we are to make an impact on a world which is full of lonely and isolated people. At the same time, what does it actually look like?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Being Thankful – Practical Guide to Holiness #18

In this session we are looking at one of the most difficult things in the Christian life – and yet we rarely talk about it. What prevents us from being thankful? Why is thankfulness good for us? And what does the Bible have to say about it?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Cultivating Patience – Practical Guide to Holiness #17

Patience is a hard value to cultivate in a society which values instant gratification. How do we grow in patience? In this session we look at what patience is (and is not), especially patience in waiting for God’s promises and patience in suffering. We finish by looking at persistence in prayer.

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Zealous for God – Practical Guide to Holiness #16

We often think of being zealous as linked with fanaticism. It’s easy to think of bad examples of religious zealotry – suicide bombings and so on. But God is described in the Bible as “zealous”, and we should be as well. What does that look like in practice?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Heavenly minded – Practical Guide to Holiness #15

Is it true that you can be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good? The truth is, being heavenly minded is actually to be rooted in a world which is more real than the world we live in. But what does it look like, and what kind of difference should it make to our lives?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Godly Sincerity – Practical Guide to Holiness #14

One of the primary things we are looking for today is authenticity. We applaud people who are honest about themselves. At the same time, social media makes it easy for people to live fake lives in front of others. What does God have to say about sincerity? We look at the Bible, especially the story of Jacob, for answers.

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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