Living by faith – Practical Guide to Holiness #3

A lot of people talk about having faith – but does it make any difference to their lives? In this session we look at what the Bible says about faith. It’s not enough simply to say that we have faith – it has to make a difference as well. But what kind of difference? And how?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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Spiritual Knowledge – Practical Guide to Holiness #2

In the first step of our journey learning about holiness, we see that spiritual knowledge is vital. But do we mean by knowledge? How does spiritual knowledge differ from worldly knowledge? And how do we get it?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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A practical guide to holiness – Introduction

This is the first part of a new course called “A practical guide to holiness”. We think about what holiness is, why we should be interested in it, and the dangers of ignoring holiness.

A Godly Man’s Picture

You can find a free PDF copy of Thomas Watson’s book “A Godly Man’s Picture” online here.

You can also buy a paperback copy from the Banner of Truth.

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