Livestream Course Update

This is a quick update about the livestream courses: I am still running these each week at 3:30pm on Wednesdays (UK time). I have nearly finished the How to Live as a Christian course (two more sessions left at the time of writing!). The format has evolved a little bit, and I hope that it’s become something that would be appropriate for a Bible study group with questions to think about and discuss.

I’m also separating the courses I’ve completed into separate playlists on YouTube, so you can see them here: What is Christianity and How to Live as a Christian.

If you’d like to do a course on Understand the Bible, this would be a good way of engaging! And please feel free to share the details with any friends (or church leaders!) you think might appreciate it.

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NEW! Online Bible Study

I’m going to be starting an online Bible study course, livestreamed, starting with the What is Christianity? course. It will be an opportunity to do the course with me and ask questions. I’ll be able to explain things in a bit more detail and go over anything which you need help understanding.

Here’s a little video of me expaining it:

Key points

  • It will be at 2pm on Thursdays (UK time). You can either join in live or use it at a later date;
  • You can ask questions on the livestream, or submit them by email (I’ll deal with the previous week’s questions at the start of each session);
  • We’ll start by working through the What is Christianity? course.
  • Each session, we’ll watch the course video and I’ll add some comments along with it, and there will be the opportunity to ask questions as well.
  • You can either join in on your own, or as part of a small group (e.g. it might be appropriate for a church home group).
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