How can I hear from God? Children’s Talk – Hebrews 1:1-2

For our online service today, I recorded a short children’s spot. The passage is the first two verses of Hebrews chapter 1. I’m trying to find out how we can hear a message from God, to find out about him.

It’s a bit funny / silly, I hope you might enjoy it!

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Feeding of the 5,000 | Simple / Children’s Explanation

For the children’s spot in our online service this week, I recorded a video on the Feeding of the 5000. (Similar to the Parable of the Weeds one I did a couple of weeks ago). It’s a simple explanation of the story with a little bit to get us thinking about food! The passage is Matthew 14:13-21.

The weather wasn’t as hot as last time, and the ‘on location’ bit was a bit closer to home – from our kitchen!

Did you know? This is the only miracle which is recorded in all four gospels!

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Parable of the Weeds: Simple / Children’s Explanation

For our church service today, I decided to record the children’s spot “on location” in a farmer’s field. I thought it might help make the story more simply to visualise the parable of the weeds. The passage is Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.

It was a really hot day – 30+ degrees – but I think it was worth it and it came out relatively well. Here it is, recorded for posterity’s sake!

At the moment I don’t have any other simple or children’s videos, but as and when I do I will add them to this category.

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