Jesus feeds the 5000 – John 6:1-15 Sermon

Do we trust Jesus to provide for all our spiritual and physical needs? And do we see our spiritual needs as being more important than our physical needs? In this sermon we explore these two questions.

This is part three of the ‘Seven Signs in John’ series. See the previous sermon ‘Only Jesus can make us well’ on John 5:1-15 here.

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Feeding of the 5,000 | Simple / Children’s Explanation

For the children’s spot in our online service this week, I recorded a video on the Feeding of the 5000. (Similar to the Parable of the Weeds one I did a couple of weeks ago). It’s a simple explanation of the story with a little bit to get us thinking about food! The passage is Matthew 14:13-21.

The weather wasn’t as hot as last time, and the ‘on location’ bit was a bit closer to home – from our kitchen!

Did you know? This is the only miracle which is recorded in all four gospels!

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