Jesus transforms our suffering – John 9:1-12 Sermon

When we’re going through times of suffering or hardship we often ask “Why?” In this sermon we look at how Jesus transforms our suffering into something for God’s glory.

This is part three of the ‘Seven Signs in John’ series. See the previous sermon ‘You are not strong enough (and that’s OK)’ on John 6:16-24 here.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

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You are not strong enough (and that’s OK) – John 6:16-24 Sermon

In this sermon we think about how we often try to accomplish things through our own strength, when we should be looking to Jesus. God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness.

This is part three of the ‘Seven Signs in John’ series. See the previous sermon ‘Jesus feeds 5000 people’ on John 6:1-15 here.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

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Jesus feeds the 5000 – John 6:1-15 Sermon

Do we trust Jesus to provide for all our spiritual and physical needs? And do we see our spiritual needs as being more important than our physical needs? In this sermon we explore these two questions.

This is part three of the ‘Seven Signs in John’ series. See the previous sermon ‘Only Jesus can make us well’ on John 5:1-15 here.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

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Only Jesus can make us well – John 5:1-15 Sermon

Over the last year we’ve been thinking a lot about being well. In this third sign from John’s Gospel, he makes a man well at a pool called Bethesda. But wellness goes beyond a physical healing.

This is part three of the ‘Seven Signs in John’ series. See the previous sermon ‘How do you believe in Jesus?’ on John 4:43-54 here.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

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How do you believe in Jesus? John 4:43-54 Sermon

A lot of people say they believe in God or Jesus – but what does that really mean? What kind of belief does God want us to have? A short sermon looking at what it means to believe. Part two of the ‘Seven Signs in John’ series.

See the previous sermon on John 2:1-11 (Jesus turns water into wine) here.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

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