One habit to REVOLUTIONISE your spiritual life (no exaggeration)

This is a video I’ve had on my mind to do for a while, and since I finished the Heidelberg Catechism yesterday, I thought I’d do it today!

This is a simple habit which I personally have found hugely beneficial spiritually, and I’d like to share it with you all as well.

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Please add your church!

One of my biggest concerns with UTB is that it doesn’t just become an online ministry with no link to the local church. As such, what I’ve been trying to do is make it possible to add and search for churches by location.

Anyway, it is now possible to add your church to the UTB database. The main thing I ask is that churches be in agreement with the Evangelical Alliance basis of faith, which I thought was probably the best way of getting a broad base of evangelical churches.

The public listings will be available from the local section, which I haven’t made live yet but you can take a “sneak peek” here.

Anyway, please do add your church and let me know if you have any problems!

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New Course: Heidelberg Catechism pt 1 (Guilt)

Yesterday I created a new course with the videos I’ve been doing on the Heidelberg Catechism. If you’d like to have a ‘sneak peek’ at the sessions you can do so on the course page. It will take me a bit longer to work on parts two and three of the catechism (“grace” and “gratitude”), but my aim is to get them done as soon as I can.

I’ve really been enjoying the Heidelberg – it’s a great catechism and has been well-loved by generations for a reason. I hope that you enjoy studying it here with UTB.

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Moving away from YouTube

A bit of housekeeping: I am starting to move the courses away from YouTube. I will keep some content available on the YouTube channel, but all of the course content on this website will be served from elsewhere. This is partly because I’ve become uncomfortable with using YouTube for something like this, and partly because I needed somewhere to store audio files as well as videos.

All videos should now have an audio equivalent (hooray!). I have also removed some of the courses which didn’t quite ‘fit’ with UTB at the moment – e.g. the Biblical series. (They will remain available on YouTube).

If you have any problems, please let me know!

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The Understand the Bible App

I have started work on an Understand the Bible mobile app which will make it easier to use the discipleship programme from a mobile device. Please do stay tuned for more news – if you haven’t already, do sign up for notifications and / or the mailing list.

In the meantime, if you have a smartphone and would like to help me give the app a test run to check if there are any problems before it goes live, please do get in touch!

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Discipleship Programme now open!

Just a quick update – if you’ve visited the website over the past couple of days, you might have noticed things changing a bit. Over the last few weeks I’ve been hard at work creating a discipleship programme, which is basically a way of making it easy for people to go through all the videos online.

At the moment it’s still in the early days, but I’d love for people to sign up – especially if you’re willing to let me know if there are any problems or if you have any suggestions!

You’ll have to register for an account, but it’s dead easy – especially if you’ve already got a Facebook or Google account.

See the discipleship programme for more information!

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Supporting Understand the Bible

I have been uploading videos to YouTube for over two years now, however Understand the Bible as a separate entity has only been going since November last year. My plan over the coming months is to develop UTB into a discipleship resource, e.g. a sort of discipleship course which people can complete after having done a course such as Alpha or Christianity Explored.

However – in order to do that I could really do with some support. I’ve created a page which explains the situation and what you can do to help. You can find it over on my personal website.

Thanks so much everyone for supporting this ministry!

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New City Catechism & Discussion

Over the last week or so I have been busy re-recording episodes of the New City Catechism – I have got up to Q&A 5. (If you haven’t yet gone through the catechism, you can see the whole playlist on this page).

I have also added a discussion forum so that you can ask any questions you want about the videos and join in with people who are going through the same things. You are very welcome to come and join in the discussion.

Next week I will resume the ordinary videos, and over the next few weeks we will be looking at justification – an important topic which most Christians don’t spend very much time thinking about!

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Happy New Year!

Firstly, let me wish you all a Happy New Year! I hope you had a good and restful Christmas. Personally it wasn’t quite the Christmas we were hoping for as my whole family got a sickness bug just before Christmas – at the same time, the Christmas story is good news however we feel. I was reminded the other day that I recorded some videos a few months back on the nativity story in Matthew’s gospel – you can see all of those on this playlist. The nativity story says a lot more than we usually go into at Christmas!

You may have noticed over the last few days I have been busy uploading new videos – I have been re-doing some of the old Catechism videos. These were videos that I recorded about two years ago when I first started recording them, and I think they are not quite up to the standard of new videos – so I have decided to re-do them. Do take a look, especially if you haven’t gone through the Catechism yet – it is worthwhile!

I have been busy updating the website over the last few weeks, if you haven’t had an explore do come and have a look round as well. Thanks so much everyone for your support – here’s to a 2020 where we all grow in maturity in faith!

He (Christ) is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.

Colossians 1:28
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