Christ – dead and buried (Heidelberg 16)

Why is it important that Jesus died and was buried – and how do we benefit from it? This session of the Heidelberg Catechism looks at five questions:

  • Why was it necessary for Jesus to die?
  • Why was he buried?
  • If Christ died for us, why do we still have to die?
  • What further benefits do we receive from Christ’s sacrifice and death on the cross?
  • Why does the creed add “He descended into hell”?

As I hope you’ve gathered by now, Jesus’ death and resurrection is at the heart of the Christian faith. Understanding what it means is key to understanding Christianity. If you want to gain a good understanding of the faith, you need to explore deeply questions like these – why Jesus died and was buried!

If you enjoy this, you can do the whole series right here on the website, or on the app (see links on the right hand side of the page). Alternatively, I am uploading them regularly to YouTube and Facebook. All sessions on YouTube are available on this playlist.

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