The Spirit’s power in our lives – Acts 19:1-22 Sermon

Why would anyone bother to be a Christian? Because there is a truth and a power about the Christian life, and the Holy Spirit, which is not found anywhere else. But how do we put that in to practice?

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Jesus vs Supernatural Powers – Acts 13:4-12 Sermon

A lot of people today are fascinated by the supernatural: psychic mediums, palm readings, spiritualism… what should Christians make of it? Is it harmless fun, is there something deeper going on?

Read the passage online.

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Grace is the solution to prejudice – Acts 11:1-18 Sermon

In Acts 10 (see the previous sermon) we heard about how the gospel overcomes our differences. In this passage we look deeper and see that prejudice is offensive to God, and ultimately it is grace which is the solution to prejudice.

Read the passage online here.

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The gospel overcomes our differences – Acts 10:9-23 Sermon

How do we react in a society which is becoming increasingly divided? In this sermon we look at a key passage in Acts 10 where an important division is overcome.

This passage was preached this morning in my own church, and over the next few weeks we will be returning to the book of Acts several times.

Read the passage online here.

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