The content of our teaching | Titus 2 | Sermon

Are sermons there for entertainment? Knowledge transfer? Moral instruction? Here we learn from Paul’s testimony about what Biblical teaching should be. A sermon on Titus chapter 2.

Apologies from the little interruption in the middle from my 3-year-old daughter.

I finished the sermon with the Valley of Vision prayer “Living for Jesus” but was interrupted so I didn’t include it in this video – but you can find it here and pray for yourself:

This is the fourth part of a five-part series on Titus – see the rest of the series tagged under Titus.

Titus is one of the shorter books in the New Testament, written to a church pastor, and it concerns the pastoral role. However, it’s important for the whole church to listen to what it has to say. In particular, Titus has a lot to say about how the gospel drives our behaviour: it’s not the case that we change our behaviour to become acceptable to God. Rather, God’s grace leads to our behaviour changing. This is vital to understand!

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Repentance: (2) Confession – 1 John 1:5-10

This episode is only available on audio – you may listen to it online here.

The second part of the series in repentance (unfortunately I didn’t record the first part!) The passage is 1 John 1:5-10. 

The book I mention is called “The Doctrine of Repentance” by Thomas Watson, a puritan, and – because it is well out of copyright – is available for free online e.g. here. These sermons are based on his section “Ingredients of Repentance” – the first one we looked at was sorrow for sin.

Sermon preached at St Mark’s Church on Wednesday 11th March.

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