God’s megaphone – Exodus 8:20-9:35 Sermon

One of the biggest and most common questions in the Christian life is “Why?” Why did this happen to me or us; or why does someone not listen to God? The Bible often doesn’t answer the ‘why’ question specifically, but in this passage we have a rare glimpse into the reason why God acted as he did with Pharaoh.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Feeling Sorrow – Practical Guide to Holiness #9

Being a Christian isn’t a life of unbridled happiness – although we are joyful. There are struggles and sorrows. In this session we think about what it means to feel sorrow in the Christian life with respect to holiness. How should we feel sorrow as Christians?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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National Repentance – Joel 2:12-17 Sermon

Repentance is a word which has been conspicuously absent from our covid response over the last year. It’s one of the most important words in the Christian vocabulary! I believe we need to urgently consider what repentance means for us at this time.

This is a one-off sermon – we will return to the seven signs in John’s Gospel next week.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

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Repentance: (4) Hatred of Sin | Psalm 97

I think many of us feel uncomfortable about saying that we hate anything – but yet the Bible does tell us to hate certain things.

The passage is online here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalm+97&version=NIVUK

The Doctrine of Repentance is available in lots of places online e.g. as a PDF here: http://www.onthewing.org/user/Watson%20-%20Repentance%20-%20Modern.pdf

Sermon recorded as part of a livestream on the Great Clacton Parish YouTube channel.

Podcast available here.

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Repentance: (2) Confession – 1 John 1:5-10

This episode is only available on audio – you may listen to it online here.

The second part of the series in repentance (unfortunately I didn’t record the first part!) The passage is 1 John 1:5-10. 

The book I mention is called “The Doctrine of Repentance” by Thomas Watson, a puritan, and – because it is well out of copyright – is available for free online e.g. here. These sermons are based on his section “Ingredients of Repentance” – the first one we looked at was sorrow for sin.

Sermon preached at St Mark’s Church on Wednesday 11th March.

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