What makes a good person? – Psalm 14

Do you think of yourself as a good person? Why do you think that? Psalm 14 helps us to understand what makes a good person – and it may surprise you.

The other video I mention is available here on the website, part of the “What is sin?” course.

This is part of the weekly Thought for the Week series. This series is designed to give a short, 10-15 minute ‘thought’, including a Bible reading and a prayer. At the moment I am working my way through the Psalms but I may take a break from them after a while and look at another part of the Bible.

Do subscribe to the mailing list if you want to get these delivered by email, or subscribe directly on YouTube if you want to see them there.

You can see the previous week’s thought on Psalm 13 “When trouble seems to go on forever” here.

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