Church with UTB and Community update

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I haven’t put my feet up over the summer: I have been busy working on Church with UTB. I am excited to announce that it’s ready to try out! Over the last couple of weeks we have been using the Church with UTB app. This is basically an app which can be used on your computer or on a device e.g. phone or tablet.

Very soon I will be recording a video to show you how to use it, but for now I wanted to flag up that it’s ready to check out.

One thing I am especially keen to do is make it possible for people who live near each other to find one another. I’ve given some thought as to the best way of doing this. I’ve decided that, for the moment, the best way is to add a community forum to the Understand the Bible website. My hope is that anyone who wants to find other people to connect with can post on the forums.

I also hope that the forums will provide a community space to chat about UTB videos and other things. I’ve been involved with forums for a long time, and although they have fallen out of favour on the internet I think they haven’t yet been surpassed as a way of discussing on the internet. (Forums are WAY better than Facebook groups, for example).

You’ll need to create an account, but it’s free and easily done. Why don’t you do so now and introduce yourself?

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