Marriage & Sex – Living as a Christian part 8

This is the only one of the How to Live as a Christian series where we think about specific sins. Why should we think about marriage and sex, and how do we obey Christ in this way?

In this session we cover:

  • Why the Bible considers sexual sin an important issue;
  • God’s definition of marriage;
  • What sexual sin is – especially in our society today;
  • How we can find forgiveness;
  • How we can uphold marriage.

This is part eight of the “How to Live as a Christian” video course. In due course, this will be available as a as a course for you to complete as part of the teaching programme.

The How to Live as a Christian series is designed to help new (and not-so-new) Christians get up to speed about living in the way God wants us to. It’s designed to be practical, so that it’s not just all about the theory. You can check out all the videos so far on the YouTube playlist, or if you prefer you can read the whole series.

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