Grace-shaped community – Galatians 6:1-10 Sermon

How should the grace of God make a difference to our community? In this sermon we explore how God wants us to be with each other as a result of his grace.

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If God forgives, why do good? Galatians 5:13-26 Sermon

If God forgives us anyway, why should we do good? If we have freedom, how should we use it? In this passage we see how freedom in Christ gives us a new motivation and a new power to obey.

You might like to read the passage first. Due to a technical hitch only the audio is available!

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Christ is Freedom – Galatians 5:1-12 Sermon

If you had to choose one word to sum up the Christian life, what would it be? In this passage, Paul sums it up with the word “freedom”. But what does that really mean? What are we free from?

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Not slaves but free – Galatians 4:21-31 Sermon

All the way through Galatians we have seen the difference between the true gospel and the false gospel. Here Paul uses the illustration of Hagar and Sarah to compare and contrast the two “gospels” – only one of them is true, and yet we often find ourselves on the wrong side!

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Who should we listen to? Galatians 4:8-20 Sermon

In today’s society, everything is about giving us maximum choice. Internet shopping, on-demand TV, online dating… but what about church? How do we choose who to listen to? And how does this make a difference in our every day relationships?

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Outgrowing the Law – Galatians 3:23-4:7 Sermon

We treat children differently to adults. Children need things which adults don’t once they’ve grown to maturity. In this passage, Paul says that the Law was there as our guardian until the coming of Christ Jesus.

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Grace vs Law – Galatians 3:1-14 Sermon

What is the Christian life all about? Is it just about keeping the rules? Or do we live as if it was? In this passage from Galatians we see how it’s either grace OR law – they are mutually exclusive.

Read the passage online here.

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Grace cancels cancel culture – Galatians 2:11-21 Sermon

Cancel culture ‘cancels’ people because they have the wrong opinions on certain issues. But the gospel of grace is very different – Paul says that grace is the antithesis of cancel culture.

Read the passage online here.

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