Why do you want Christmas? – Amos 5:18-27 Sermon

This sermon is the first part of an Advent series looking at the “Day of the Lord” in the Bible. In this first part, from Amos, we think about why people want to come to church at Christmas and what Amos says about what’s really important.

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From darkness to light – Isaiah 60 Sermon

It seems like we are living in dark days at the moment. 2020 has been a very strange year for everyone. But there have been dark times before. The people of Israel in the Old Testament experienced lots of dark times – yet Isaiah here prophecied of how that darkness would turn to light.

This sermon looks at the darkness, the light, and how God was going to bring them from one to the other. The good news is, it’s something which is for us as well!

Read the passage online via Bible Gateway.

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