2023 Christmas Update

As you may know, the very first video I recorded for what became Understand the Bible was a Christmas message. This was recorded for Christmas 2017 – which feels like a very long time ago now! It feels like so much has changed in the last six years, like we’re living in a different world.

Every year since then, I have recorded a Christmas message. This year I have decided to break that tradition. This is partly because I feel that the world probably has enough “Christmas messages” at this time of year – everyone is doing it. I also feel that no-one is really interested in “Christmas messages” either. The Christmas we all want, the Christmas we really need, comes simply from Jesus being part of our lives day-by-day. As we grow to know him more, and grow in our love for him and for one another, life becomes more joyful.

That said, I do believe that Christmas demonstrates that God can and does step into our world, into our darkness. I pray that, if you are in a dark place this year, that you would know the real presence of Christ at work to transform your life – not simply a platitude, but the real presence and power of the king of heaven and earth. No darkness can keep God out, there are no ‘no-go areas’ for him.

If you have been following Church with UTB, I’d just like to say I will be having a couple of weeks off doing services. I hope that this gives you an opportunity to try it out yourself – do your own thing! There are lots of sermons available here if you’d like to find one, or just do something simple and read and talk about the Bible with whoever you are with.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has supported UTB over this last year, whether you’ve just joined in or whether you’ve been here from the beginning. Happy Christmas, and I pray that whatever your 2024 looks like, Christ may scatter the darkness from before your path and lead us forwards in him.

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“Which crisis are you celebrating this year?” – Christmas Message 22 – Romans 8:31-39

An honest Christmas message: given all the crises we seem to be dealing with, is there any real hope at the moment? We look at Romans 8:31-39 to see that Jesus gives us hope especially in times of hardship.

Looking for more?

Last year’s Christmas message is still available to watch, Can you find Christmas lights bright enough for 2021?

All Christmas content on Understand the Bible is under the Christmas category. You might also enjoy the advent series about the day of the Lord.

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Are you ready for the day of Christ? – Zechariah 14:1-21 Sermon

The third part of our Advent series on ‘The Day of the Lord’, looking at a picture of the end – the day of Christ. What will that be like, and are we ready for it?

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

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Christmas reveals who we trust in – Isaiah 2:6-22 Sermon

The second part of our Advent series on ‘The Day of the Lord’. When God draws near, it reveals who or what we are really trusting in.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

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Why do you want Christmas? – Amos 5:18-27 Sermon

This sermon is the first part of an Advent series looking at the “Day of the Lord” in the Bible. In this first part, from Amos, we think about why people want to come to church at Christmas and what Amos says about what’s really important.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

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Can you find Christmas lights bright enough for 2021?

The Understand the Bible Christmas message for 2021!

Taking a break

I’ll be taking a break from Understand the Bible over the Christmas period, and will return in the New Year. I am planning to start a new series on the Ten Commandments, to follow on from the Apostle’s Creed which finished last month.

I feel that this year has been a good year for Understand the Bible, thank you to everyone who has helped by watching, subscribing, commenting, sending encouraging messages, and so on. I pray that 2022 will be a good year and that the Word of God may continue to spread and flourish (Acts 12:24).

Looking for more?

Last year’s Christmas message is still available to watch, Whose fault is 2020?

All Christmas content on Understand the Bible is under the Christmas category. This includes the recent series on being ready for the return of Christ (which is also available on a YouTube playlist).

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#4 – Enduring Suffering and Persecution (2 Thess 1) | The Return of Christ

In the final part of the ‘Return of Christ’ series we look at 2 Thessalonians 1, which shows us how to endure suffering and persecution while we await Christ’s return.

Last week’s session was A life fit for the new creation (2 Peter 3).

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How to be ready for Jesus’ return – Luke 12:35-48

How can we be ready for Jesus’ return? In this video we study what Jesus taught his disciples about his return. When should we expect it? And how do we get ready for it?

Check out the page with resources I mention here.

Last week’s session was Life in the Messy Middle.

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