2023 Christmas Update

As you may know, the very first video I recorded for what became Understand the Bible was a Christmas message. This was recorded for Christmas 2017 – which feels like a very long time ago now! It feels like so much has changed in the last six years, like we’re living in a different world.

Every year since then, I have recorded a Christmas message. This year I have decided to break that tradition. This is partly because I feel that the world probably has enough “Christmas messages” at this time of year – everyone is doing it. I also feel that no-one is really interested in “Christmas messages” either. The Christmas we all want, the Christmas we really need, comes simply from Jesus being part of our lives day-by-day. As we grow to know him more, and grow in our love for him and for one another, life becomes more joyful.

That said, I do believe that Christmas demonstrates that God can and does step into our world, into our darkness. I pray that, if you are in a dark place this year, that you would know the real presence of Christ at work to transform your life – not simply a platitude, but the real presence and power of the king of heaven and earth. No darkness can keep God out, there are no ‘no-go areas’ for him.

If you have been following Church with UTB, I’d just like to say I will be having a couple of weeks off doing services. I hope that this gives you an opportunity to try it out yourself – do your own thing! There are lots of sermons available here if you’d like to find one, or just do something simple and read and talk about the Bible with whoever you are with.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has supported UTB over this last year, whether you’ve just joined in or whether you’ve been here from the beginning. Happy Christmas, and I pray that whatever your 2024 looks like, Christ may scatter the darkness from before your path and lead us forwards in him.

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