Whose fault is 2020? – Christmas Message

Someone recently described 2020 as the worst year in their lifetime. Maybe you feel like that too. Coronavirus and lockdowns, BLM, politics, division, it’s all kicked off. But who is at fault? Who is to blame for 2020? And what does the Bible have to say about it?

Taking a break

I will be taking a break over the next couple of weeks. This means no Regular features such as Learn to read the Bible or Thought for the week. All regular content will be returning in early January.

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported Understand the Bible in every way over this past year – I appreciate it so much. I feel like God has blessed the ministry over this past year, and I am looking forward to seeing the way he wants UTB to develop over the coming year.

All that remains is to wish you all a very happy Christmas and new year, and I pray God’s blessings upon each and every one of you. May he keep you safe and be your guide now and ever more.

Looking for more?

If you’d like to you can see last year’s Christmas message “The Christmas you’ve always wanted”.

All Christmas content on Understand the Bible is under the Christmas category.

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2 thoughts on “Whose fault is 2020? – Christmas Message

  1. Happy New Year Phill, thank you for all that you do and all that you share. I have learned a lot by reading your posts. Love and best wishes to you and the family x

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