The Justice of God – Firm Foundations #10

How can God be just when there is so much injustice in the world? In this session we look at God’s justice and what it means for us.

The video I mention about reading the Psalms can be found here.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session is here.

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How to deal with injustice: Psalm 10

In Psalm 9 we started thinking about injustice in general. This Psalm focuses down more on justice done by specific individuals. How should we respond?

This is part of the weekly Thought for the Week series. This series is designed to give a short, 10-minute ‘thought’, including a Bible reading and a prayer. At the moment I am working my way through the Psalms but I may take a break from them after a while and look at another part of the Bible.

Do subscribe to the mailing list if you want to get these delivered by email, or subscribe directly on YouTube if you want to see them there.

You can see the previous week’s thought on Psalm 9 “God the Ultimate Justice Warrior” here.

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God the Ultimate Justice Warrior: Psalm 9

Social Justice has gone mainstream in 2020 with the BLM movement. This Psalm is all about justice: what does God have to say about it?

This is part of the weekly Thought for the Week series. This series is designed to give a short, 10-minute ‘thought’, including a Bible reading and a prayer. At the moment I am working my way through the Psalms but I may take a break from them after a while and look at another part of the Bible.

Do subscribe to the mailing list if you want to get these delivered by email, or subscribe directly on YouTube if you want to see them there.

You can see the previous week’s thought on Psalm 8 “You are not insignificant” here.

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