The belief that changes everything – “I believe in God”

People often ask whether you “believe in God” – but they don’t really understand what that means. To really believe in God is the most significant and life-changing thing that you could do. In this session we explore what it means to believe in God, and we start to think about the Trinity.

The previous session can be found here. You can see all sessions under the Apostle’s Creed category.

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The Providence of God – Firm Foundations #16

God’s providence is about how he rules the world for good. In this video we look at what the Bible says about it, one or two objections (e.g. free will), and why God’s providence is good news for us.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 15, on the Creation) is here.

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The Trinity – Firm Foundations #14

People think the Trinity is hard and mysterious, boring, and irrelevant. In this session of the Firm Foundations course, I want to demonstrate that the opposite is the case!

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 13, on God’s unity) is here.

Books I mentioned in the video:

  • The Good God by Mike Reeves
  • Delighting in the Trinity by Tim Chester
  • Connected by Sam Allberry
  • Communion with God by John Owen – abridged version available here.
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There is only one God – Firm Foundations #13

In this session we turn to think about the question – how many gods are there? The answer has far-reaching implications for everything about our civilisation.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 12, on God’s Truth) is here.

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The Justice of God – Firm Foundations #10

How can God be just when there is so much injustice in the world? In this session we look at God’s justice and what it means for us.

The video I mention about reading the Psalms can be found here.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session is here.

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The Holiness of God – Firm Foundations #9

What does it mean for God to be “Holy”? In this session we look at what God’s holiness is and what difference it makes to us as Christians.

The series on Galatians I mention is available under the Galatians tag. The particular video I referred to about why we still should do good is part of the Galatians series – available here.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session is here.

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