Hallowed be your name – Lord’s Prayer #2

Learn to pray with the Lord’s Prayer – part 2: what does ‘Hallowed be your name’ even mean, and how can we pray it today?

In the video we think about what a ‘name’ is, what it means for it to be ‘hallowed’, and how we can learn to pray from it. In particular we think about praying for ourselves and praying for others.

The session I referred to from the Ten Commandments series is Misusing God’s Name.

See more courses, including the Apostle’s Creed and Ten Commandments, on the courses index.

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Ten Commandments #3 – Misusing God’s Name

In the third commandment, God tells us not to misuse the Lord’s name. But what does that even mean – how is it possible to use or misuse someone’s name? And how can we obey that in the 21st century?

You can find the interview with Andy Brown I mentioned here.

See more courses on the courses page.

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