Ten Commandments #8 – Do not steal

Today we’re looking at another commandment which is familiar to all of us. Maybe we think it’s even irrelevant as we’re not people who steal – but as with all the commandments, there’s a lot more to it…

If you’re looking for something more specifically about money, you might like the How to Live as a Christian episode Money & Giving. You may also like the Wisdom of Proverbs post about Wealth & Poverty.

See more courses on the courses page.

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Ten Commandments #7 – Do not commit adultery

Christian attitudes to sex and relationships are often seen today as old-fashioned, even repressive. But that couldn’t be further from the truth – God wants to protect us from hurting ourselves and others, and to experience the joy of intimacy in a loving relationship.

See more courses on the courses page.

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Ten Commandments #6 – Do not murder

I suspect that if you asked people to list the the commandments they remember, “Do not murder” would be #1 on the list. It’s still seen as the most heinous thing you can do. But most people also think they’re not guilty – that it’s irrelevant to them. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

See more courses on the courses page.

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Ten Commandments #5 – Honour your parents

The fifth commandment tells us to honour our parents. What does that mean? In this session we see that it has much wider implications than for parents and children!

You may also be interested in the Raising Children episode of the How to Live as a Christian course.

See more courses on the courses page.

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Ten Commandments #3 – Misusing God’s Name

In the third commandment, God tells us not to misuse the Lord’s name. But what does that even mean – how is it possible to use or misuse someone’s name? And how can we obey that in the 21st century?

You can find the interview with Andy Brown I mentioned here.

See more courses on the courses page.

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Ten Commandments #1 – No other gods

The first commandment is “You shall have no other gods before me”. What does that mean – surely there is only one god? How can we have other gods before God? How do we keep this commandment today?

You can do the What is Christianity course here on the website. (Once the Ten Commandments course is finished you will also be able to find it on the courses page).

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