The need to swallow our pride – Matthew 9:27-34 Sermon

In this passage we see two contrasting pictures – of faith, and of unbelief. What is it that causes people to reject Jesus, and what should it be like for us instead?

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Humble yourself, or be humbled – Exodus 10-11 Sermon

The Biblical scholar Alec Motyer observed that evil is like a boomerang: the evil that we do comes back to us. God often seems to work like that – we reap a fitting consequence for the evil we have done. In this passage we see what that meant for Pharoah, and how we need to humble ourselves before God or choose to BE humbled.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Beware reverse pride – Romans 11:1-36 Sermon

Pride is one of the most insidious sins – it can affect us in lots of different ways. In this passage Paul warns us not to be complacent but to be humble in the face of God’s plans. He does this by warning the Gentile Christians not to feel superior to the Jews.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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A God who humbles the proud – Daniel 4:28-37 Sermon

“Pride comes before a fall”. In this sermon we see the truth of that statement – that God is able to humble those who walk in pride. But what is pride, and what does that mean about how we should live?

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

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