Jesus, Son of God, our Lord – What Christians Believe 5

Everyone knows Christianity is about Jesus. But who is Jesus? Why is he important? What does it mean for Jesus to be Son of God? And how should we relate to him as Lord?

The previous session can be found here. You can see all sessions under the Apostle’s Creed category.

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God our Creator – What Christians Believe 4

To know God as our Creator is one of the most fundamental things which we need to understand. People think that this is basic stuff for children – but that is far from the truth: these truths are deep, and we as adults need to grapple with them. What does it mean for God to be our Creator? In this session we look at how this means we are not the creator; how God knows best for us; and what the creation shows us about God.

The previous session can be found here. You can see all sessions under the Apostle’s Creed category.

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God the Father & how we know about God – What Christians Believe 3

In the previous session we thought about God as three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In this session we look at God the Father, starting out with how we can know anything about God. We also look at what it means to relate to God as our heavenly father.

The previous session can be found here. You can see all sessions under the Apostle’s Creed category.

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The belief that changes everything – “I believe in God”

People often ask whether you “believe in God” – but they don’t really understand what that means. To really believe in God is the most significant and life-changing thing that you could do. In this session we explore what it means to believe in God, and we start to think about the Trinity.

The previous session can be found here. You can see all sessions under the Apostle’s Creed category.

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Introduction to the Apostle’s Creed – What Christians Believe #1

In this course we are going to study the core beliefs of Christianity, using an ancient guide called the Apostle’s Creed. In this session we look at why it’s important to study Christian doctrine, what a creed is, and look at whether doctrine is really irrelevant and divisive.

This is a new version of the Apostle’s Creed course, which you can still find on this playlist. The new course will eventually replace the creed course in the App.

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You can’t always get what you want? | Ten Commandments – 11. Coveting

What do we do when we can’t get what we want? In the last of the Ten Commandments, we examine coveting. How should Christians think about material possessions? How do we deal our needs and wants?

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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The power of words | Ten Commandments – 10. Do not bear false witness

We tend to think of this commandment as being about telling the truth and not lying. But why does God care so much about the truth? Why are lies so destructive? And how can we obey this commandment today?

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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More than physical things | Ten Commandments – 9. Do not steal

Most people think of stealing or theft as being about physical things. At the same time, most people have never stolen anything big such as robbing a bank or burgling a house. So, what relevance does this commandment have to us today? As it turns out, it has a lot to say…

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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Misusing sexual intimacy | Ten Commandments – 8. Do not commit adultery

The Christian view of sex and marriage is often seen today as outdated and restrictive. But God doesn’t want to spoil our fun – he wants to prevent us getting hurt. In this session we look at what sex is all about and why God cares about how we use it.

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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Murder is not what you think it is | Ten Commandments – 7. Do not murder

Murder is big business in our society today – detective fiction, TV series, etc. But most people don’t think of it as relevant to them. This is only because we don’t really understand what murder is all about. In this session we look at our society’s view of life and death issues, and consider Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount to help explain.

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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