Mental Health Support – Psalm 91 – God our fortress

Psalm 91 helps us to understand that God is our fortress – he can protect us from anything that might happen.

Please note – This is the final mental health livestream before Easter.

Last week’s session was on Psalm 84 – “Cast your anxiety on him”. All previous sessions are available on this playlist.

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Mental Health Support: When we’re going through the valley

Psalm 84 was written to encourage us when we’re going through a difficult time – a valley. In these sessions we spend a few minutes reading the Bible, thinking about what it means for us and the current situation, and then praying.

Last week’s session was on 1 Peter 5 – “Cast your anxiety on him”. All previous sessions are available on this playlist.

There will be one more session next week before a two-week break over Easter!

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Mental Health Support: Cast your anxiety on him

1 Peter 5v7 says: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” But what does that mean, and how do we do it? Let’s spend a little while thinking about these wonderful words.

Last week’s session was on Proverbs 3:-12 – “Wisdom & Well-Being”. All previous sessions are available on this playlist.

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Mental Health Support – Wisdom & Well-being

What does wisdom have to do with well-being? We’re going to spend a few minutes reading from the book of Proverbs, which is all about wisdom.

Last week’s session was on Psalm 63 – “Where our help comes from”. All previous sessions are available on this playlist.

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Lockdown Mental Health Support – Psalm 63

It feels at the moment like we’re in something of a desert: away from family and friends and many of the things that we love. How do we pray in these times?

Update: my plan is to do a lockdown livestream up until Easter, and then to continue a regular Friday night mental health livestream in a similar vein after Easter.

Last week’s one was on Psalm 121 – “Where our help comes from”. All previous sessions are available on this playlist.

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Jesus Strong and Kind – Children’s Mental Health Support

If we have lots of bad emotions, that can lead to us having bad mental health. If we don’t do anything with those feelings bad things can happen. But there is good news – Jesus can help us!

Over the last few weeks I’ve been doing a Lockdown Mental Health session each week. I’ve also started to worry about children’s mental health, and so I decided to trial doing a children’s mental health session. I have been thinking about starting Understand the Bible for kids, so this was a good opportunity to try something out.

Let me know if you like it, and I will see if I can develop it into something more!

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Lockdown Mental Health Support – Psalm 121

In a world full of dangers, where does our protection come from? Psalm 121 is a short and wonderful Psalm which says that our protection is complete.

This evening I didn’t do a mental health livestream, it was pre-recorded and premiered at 8pm (I’m having a couple of days off!)

I am aiming to do a session each Friday night during lockdown. I find that it’s helpful for my own mental health, let alone anyone else’s!

Last week’s one was on Psalm 112 – “Do not fear bad news”. All previous sessions are available on this playlist.

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Why the Bible is best for mental health

Mental Health has got big over the last few years. A lot of people turn to techniques such as mindfulness. But I believe the Bible is better than any technique. Here’s why.

What the video covers

  • The problem with techniques such as mindfulness
  • Five reasons the Bible is best when it comes to mental health:
    1. The Bible is God’s word (Psalm 19:7-9)
    2. The words of the Bible are powerful (Hebrews 4:12)
    3. The Bible reveals the truth about us (James 1:23-24)
    4. The Bible brings us to God (John 6:63)
    5. The Bible brings us to others (John 13:34)

What to do next

If you’d like to see some examples of the Bible ‘in action’ when it comes to mental health, check out my regular Lockdown Mental Health sessions.

If you’d like to learn more about Christianity, you can subscribe on YouTube or check out one of the various courses on this website to learn about Christianity. You might be interested in the What is Christianity? course, which goes through a very brief overview of the Bible in six sessions.

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Lockdown Mental Health Support – Psalm 112

Last night’s mental health livestream was on Psalm 112: “Do not fear bad news”. I don’t like watching the news at the moment because it’s often bad! A lot of people have said to me how they don’t like watching the news either – some people have said they just turn it off! But this Psalm tells us of how we don’t need to fear bad news.

I am aiming to do a session each Friday night during lockdown. I find that it’s helpful for my own mental health, let alone anyone else’s!

Last week’s one was on Psalm 118 – “Will it be OK in the end?”. They will all be available on the playlist.

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Lockdown Mental Health Support – Psalm 118

Last night’s mental health livestream was on Psalm 118: “Will it be OK in the end?” It’s so easy at the moment to be full of worries about how it’s all going to turn out. Maybe we think of what’s happening to our children, or to our jobs, or families, and the like. We just don’t know what’s going to happen. Psalm 118 helps us to be confident that things will work out in the end.

These verses really struck me this time round:

It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in humans.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
    than to trust in princes.

I am aiming to do a session each Friday night during lockdown. I find that it’s helpful for my own mental health, let alone anyone else’s!

Last week’s one was on Psalm 27 – “Don’t give up hope”. They will all be available on the playlist.

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