Is God unfair to choose some? – Romans 9:1-33 Sermon

If nothing can separate us from God’s love, then what about those who do not Christian? And does that mean God is unfair to choose some and not others? In this passage Paul laments over his own people, the Jews, but shows that God is acting according to his word and promises.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Effectual Calling – Firm Foundations #30

What is the difference between a Christian and a non-Christian, and how do we tell? Is it our choice, our good deeds, or our faith? In this session we look at how God calls us and what difference that makes in our lives.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 29, on Faith) is here.

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