
The need to swallow our pride – Matthew 9:27-34 Sermon

In this passage we see two contrasting pictures – of faith, and of unbelief. What is it that causes people to reject Jesus, and what should it be like for us instead?

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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The power of words | Ten Commandments – 10. Do not bear false witness

We tend to think of this commandment as being about telling the truth and not lying. But why does God care so much about the truth? Why are lies so destructive? And how can we obey this commandment today?

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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Walking by faith – Matthew 9:18-26 Sermon

What does faith have to do with healing, and – more generally – how we live our lives? In this passage we see two examples of people who demonstrated their faith in Jesus. What lessons can we learn for today?

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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More than physical things | Ten Commandments – 9. Do not steal

Most people think of stealing or theft as being about physical things. At the same time, most people have never stolen anything big such as robbing a bank or burgling a house. So, what relevance does this commandment have to us today? As it turns out, it has a lot to say…

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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Avoiding spiritual ruts – Matthew 9:14-17 Sermon

It can be very easy in the Christian life to get stuck in a rut – to turn up to church and do the same things that we always do, but just ‘go through the motions’. In this passage Jesus explains that we need to do things differently with him.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Misusing sexual intimacy | Ten Commandments – 8. Do not commit adultery

The Christian view of sex and marriage is often seen today as outdated and restrictive. But God doesn’t want to spoil our fun – he wants to prevent us getting hurt. In this session we look at what sex is all about and why God cares about how we use it.

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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The kind of person Jesus wants – Matthew 9v9-13 Sermon

In this passage, we see that Jesus doesn’t want people who think they are already good enough. He wants people who are humble enough to recognise they need him.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Announcement – UTB Songs

Over the last 18 months I have been working on Church with UTB – basically a service delivered online which is designed to facilitate church in people’s own homes (and other places). One of the challenges I’ve found during that time is getting good-quality songs which are appropriate to sing as part of a worship service.

I had been searching YouTube for the songs I wanted, trying to find a decent lyric video. This has proved to have many challenges:

  • Not every song is available to begin with. There are some hymns and songs which simply have no recordings available. Sometimes, even if there is a recording available, it’s totally unsuitable for congregational singing. There have been many times when I wanted to include a particular hymn or song, only to find that it didn’t have an appropriate recording.
  • The number of videos with good lyrics is even smaller. Often the videos are not made with congregational singing in mind, so they will have ‘artistic’ lyrics which don’t quite come up at the right time, only display one line at a time – that sort of thing.
  • Many of the songs are professional recordings, which are sometimes not ideal for congregational singing (e.g. they have long instrumental sections).
  • The songs which have been recorded at conferences often have things like clapping at the end – which personally I find off-putting.

A few weeks ago I launched the UTB App, which does make it easier: I am no longer limited to lyric videos, I can pick any recording on YouTube – including YouTube music. The lyrics are displayed by the app. However, that doesn’t solve the other problems.

For a recording to be used in Church with UTB, it needs to be:

  • Singable – in the normal vocal range of the average person;
  • Reasonably paced – not too slow and not too fast (professional recordings are often slower than you would sing the songs in church);
  • ‘Clean’ – that is, simple audio without any clapping or other distracting sounds, and not including anything else before or after the song;
  • Well produced – i.e. not sound like it’s been recorded on a smartphone.

Consequently, I’ve decided to start Understand the Bible Songs. It’s a YouTube channel where I aim to upload songs with those criteria. The songs are designed to be used in Church with UTB, but could be used anywhere.

At the moment it’s me recording using my own equipment, but I am hoping to branch out and get more people involved. As you can hear, I am really not a singer – I am hoping to find some more vocalists soon!

My aim is, where time permits, to record one new song per week to use in Church with UTB, and eventually to build up a resource of songs that churches can use.

I does surprise me that more churches haven’t had the same idea – many of the recordings available on YouTube from churches are poor quality. It seems that, despite what happened during covid, churches are still not taking the internet seriously as a resource to be used.

Anyway, if you use Church with UTB you will be using UTB Songs, but if not I hope and pray that UTB songs might be a helpful resource for you.

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What does Jesus mean to you? – Matthew 9:1-8 Sermon

Discipleship is all about the identity of Jesus – not in an intellectual sense, but a personal one: what does Jesus mean to you? In this passage we see the kind of faith that God wants us to have.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Murder is not what you think it is | Ten Commandments – 7. Do not murder

Murder is big business in our society today – detective fiction, TV series, etc. But most people don’t think of it as relevant to them. This is only because we don’t really understand what murder is all about. In this session we look at our society’s view of life and death issues, and consider Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount to help explain.

To find all videos on the Ten Commandments, check out the Ten Commandments category.

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