God created the universe – What is Christianity? (2)

Why is the world so full of contradictions – full of beauty and wonder, and yet with so much darkness and ugliness? Why does nothing seem to satisfy? Why do relationships cause so much pain? Why do we die? Was this how it was meant to be? In this session we go back to the beginning of the Bible to answer the question of how God intended creation to be.

If you missed it, check out Part One: “The Message of Christianity and the Bible”.

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Creation – Firm Foundations #15

Creation is not just something which we move on from, but is fundamental to the way we think about life. In this session we explore what it means to understand God as creator of everything.

The talk I referred to on Genesis and Science

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 14, on the Trinity) is here.

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The crown of creation – Genesis 1 Sermon

In this sermon we start a new series on the book of Genesis. The ancient and modern world had a lot view of creation and humankind for different reasons – but the Bible shows us that creation is the glory of God, and human beings are the crown.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

If you’d prefer the audio-only podcast, see here.

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God our Creator – Apostle’s Creed #3

One of the most fundamental things to understand about Christianity is that God is our Creator. It’s a distinctive of Christianity and it makes a practical difference to our lives. In this session on the Apostle’s Creed we look at the line “Maker of heaven and earth”.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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What is Christianity? 2 – Where it all went wrong

If God made a good world, then why is there so much bad stuff in the world? Why are there wars, and pandemics, and break-ups, and death? Why is my life in such a mess? In the second part of the What is Christianity? course we look at where it all went wrong – the cause of every bad thing in the world. Here we explore Genesis chapter 3, which explains how evil entered into the world.

Don’t miss an episode!

If you’d like to be notified of new episodes, then you can subscribe on YouTube (don’t forget to hit the bell icon if you want an email notification), or you can subscribe to the mailing list here.

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What is Christianity? 1 – Creation (New Course)

What is Christianity all about? Join me on the start of this journey as we work our way through the Bible. In this session we look at what the Bible is and why it’s important. Then we start at the beginning – the creation of everything.

As I promised last week, this is the first episode of the updated What is Christianity? course. I’m planning to film a new video each week and upload it, starting with this course.

If you’d like to be notified of new episodes, then you can subscribe on YouTube (don’t forget to hit the bell icon if you want an email notification), or you can subscribe to the mailing list here.

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God made everything – WSC #9

In this session we look at one of the most profound and life-changing truths in the Bible: God made everything. It’s something we often teach to kids, but have you ever considered what it means for us?

Explore Further

These are the links which I mentioned in the video.

More Thought for the Week…

This is part of the weekly Thought for the Week series. This series is designed to give a short, 10-15 minute ‘thought’, including a Bible reading and a prayer. Currently I am working through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. You can see all videos on the catechism on this playlist.

Do subscribe to the mailing list if you want to get these delivered in a weekly email, or subscribe directly on YouTube if you want to see them there.

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God is… maker and preserver of all things

In the ninth (and penultimate) part of the Get to know God series, we’re looking at how God is the maker and preserver of all things. This means that God made everything, but he also ‘preserves’ everything – he keeps it going day-by-day, moment by moment. If you’ve been following the series, you’ll know the drill by now: we’ll start out looking at what the Bible says about it, then we’ll think about how it applies to us today.

What the Bible says

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1

Genesis 1:1 is one of the most famous verses in the Bible. So famous, in fact, that we probably don’t give it the attention that it deserves. We often skip over it. But let’s spend a bit of time thinking about it. What do these few words say about God’s creation?

Continue reading “God is… maker and preserver of all things”
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New Course: What is Christianity? – 1: Creation

This is the first of a six-part series where we will be looking at the question “What is Christianity?” To answer the question we’ll look at a very brief overview of the whole Bible.

In this video we think about:

  1. Why it’s important to look at the Bible;
  2. What the Bible says about creation …
  3. … and what that means for us.

If you don’t have a Bible you can get them online or via apps, e.g. the YouVersion Bible app, or http://biblegateway.com. The two Bible translations I mention are called the New International Version and the New Living Translation.

You may also listen to the audio-only version if you prefer.

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