What is Christianity? Study Guide now available

Last week I announced that I was starting to write study guides for the What is Christianity? course. I’m pleased to say that this process has now been completed – there is now a group study guide for each video.

It includes a summary of the video contents as well as some questions which would be useful in a small group context. Each of the guides is available as a PDF.

Once I have completed the “How to Live as a Christian” video course, I am planning to write study guides for each of those episodes as well.

If you use them / find them useful, or if you’d like to suggest things which would be more helpful for you, please do get in touch to let me know.

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What is Christianity? – 3: Old Testament + Israel

Part three of a six-part series on the question “What is Christianity?” To answer the question we’ll look at a very brief overview of the whole Bible.

In this session we think about the rest of the Old Testament, in particular how God promised to undo the curse of the fall and yet how sin kept on getting in the way. At the end of the Old Testament we are left with a big question – how is God going to deal with the problem of sin?

You may also listen to the audio-only version if you prefer.

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What is Christianity? – 2: The Fall

Part two of a six-part series on the question “What is Christianity?” To answer the question we’ll look at a very brief overview of the whole Bible.

In this video we think about Genesis 3, one of the most important chapters in the Bible. We think about:

  1. What sin is,
  2. What sin does,
  3. How it explains the world.

If you don’t have a Bible you can get them online or via apps, e.g. the YouVersion Bible app, or http://biblegateway.com. The two Bible translations I mention are called the New International Version and the New Living Translation. You can read the Bible passage online here: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=genesis+3&version=NLT

You may also listen to the audio-only version if you prefer.

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New Course: What is Christianity? – 1: Creation

This is the first of a six-part series where we will be looking at the question “What is Christianity?” To answer the question we’ll look at a very brief overview of the whole Bible.

In this video we think about:

  1. Why it’s important to look at the Bible;
  2. What the Bible says about creation …
  3. … and what that means for us.

If you don’t have a Bible you can get them online or via apps, e.g. the YouVersion Bible app, or http://biblegateway.com. The two Bible translations I mention are called the New International Version and the New Living Translation.

You may also listen to the audio-only version if you prefer.

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