How can local churches better use the internet?

Is the coronavirus situation the ideal time to start rethinking how we do church? Do we need to get out of the idea of the church being about a building? How can a local church make use of the internet without running into its pitfalls? In this article I explore how local churches might be able to make smarter use of the internet without endangering the face-to-face contact we need.

Over the last few months, many churches have been forced to rethink how they do church. Because many governments have closed churches (including those here in the UK), we’ve had to find new ways of doing things. A lot of churches have put services online via YouTube or Facebook. Every church has done it a bit differently, but most churches are now trying to make use of new technology in some form. Our church, for example, has made extensive use of YouTube and Zoom through these last few months. Even now, although we’re allowed to meet again as a church, we are still doing a weekly YouTube service as well. I think recorded services will be with us for the foreseeable future.

A lot of people have been wondering what the future is going to look like. It looks likely that the coronavirus restrictions are going to be with us for a little while longer at least. What does that mean for how we actually go about doing church? And what lessons can we take forward into the future?

One of the big things we all need to reckon with is, what place should the online tools have in our churches? Some people have heralded the internet as the answer that we’ve all been looking for; some people have simply been waiting to get back to normal so we can be rid of it. There are benefits but also drawbacks, and we should take account of both. Whether we love it or loathe it, it seems that the internet is here to stay in our churches.

Let’s start by considering some of the good and bad things about the internet and church.

Continue reading “How can local churches better use the internet?”
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What is Christianity? Study Guide now available

Last week I announced that I was starting to write study guides for the What is Christianity? course. I’m pleased to say that this process has now been completed – there is now a group study guide for each video.

It includes a summary of the video contents as well as some questions which would be useful in a small group context. Each of the guides is available as a PDF.

Once I have completed the “How to Live as a Christian” video course, I am planning to write study guides for each of those episodes as well.

If you use them / find them useful, or if you’d like to suggest things which would be more helpful for you, please do get in touch to let me know.

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Course Study Guides

One thing I’ve been meaning to do for a while now is create study guides for the different courses. I want the courses to be accessible to church groups, but I know that many leaders don’t have the confidence to lead on their own without a study guide. What I will be doing over the next few weeks is working my way through some of the courses to add study guides, starting with the What is Christianity? course.

I’ve already completed the study guide for the first session on Creation. I’d love any feedback you have about the format, what kind of things would be useful, etc.

If you’d like to use any of the Understand the Bible courses as part of a church group, you can do that online. See the churches subscription section for more information.

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Attn Church Leaders! Using UTB in church groups

Over the past few months I’ve been working on a way of enabling churches to use UTB. I’m convinced that the internet is not a replacement for the local church. Lockdown has proved that – online church is not a substitute for real church! But nonetheless, the internet can be a very useful tool.

What I have done is enabled churches who register to create groups and meetings so that small groups can study the UTB courses together. A subscription will cost a little, but each church starts with a free subscription so you can try it out.

If you’d like to have more information, check out this page all about subscriptions. If you haven’t yet registered your church, it’s easy to do – just create a free account and then register your church. As soon as it’s registered you can start exploring groups.

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