Being an influencer for Jesus – Matt 5:13-16 – 7th May 23

It’s the second week of Church with UTB and we are continuing with the Sermon on the Mount. Please do have a look at that page if you need an explanation of how to make use of Church with UTB. I am working on some more resources, including a printable order of service and an online tool to generate your own, so hold tight. They will be available soon!

Sermon – Being an influencer for Jesus (Matthew 5:13-16)

Suggested Songs

Bible readings

  • Matthew 5:13-16 (sermon – the video includes the passage being read)
  • Psalm 103 (if too long just read the first half – verses 1-12)


The catechism videos are undated, as it’s best to work your way through in sequence. Simply pick the next one from this playlist.

For more information about making use of this, see the Church with UTB page.

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What the Christian life is all about – Church with UTB 30-04-23

For the first proper week of Church with UTB, we’re going to be starting a new series on the Sermon on the Mount. Please do have a look at that page if you need an explanation of how to make use of Church with UTB – but I will be producing more resources soon.

Sermon – “What the Christian Life is all about” (Matthew 5:1-12)

Suggested songs

Bible readings

  • Matthew 5:1-12 for the sermon (the video starts with the reading so you don’t need to have it read first)
  • Psalm 98


The catechism videos are undated, as it’s best to work your way through in sequence. Simply pick the next one from this playlist.

For more information about making use of this, see the Church with UTB page.

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Authentic Religion – Matthew 6:1-18

Jesus’ words here are appropriate for a social media generation! He warns us against hypocritical religion, and shows us what we should be like instead.

The previous Sermon on the Mount video on “Misusing the Law (Matthew 5:33-48)” is available here.

In due course this series will replace the existing Sermon on the Mount series.

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Misusing the Law – Matthew 5:33-48

In this session we look at some of Jesus’ most famous sayings – “eye for an eye”, “love your enemies”. These are actually three examples of how people were misusing the Law. We finish by looking at a summary of what the Law is all about.

The previous Sermon on the Mount video on “Marriage & Sex” is available here.

In due course this series will replace the existing Sermon on the Mount series.

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Advent Reflection “Keep Watch” – Matthew 24:36-51

Advent is a season where we look back to Christ’s first coming, and look ahead to his second coming. It’s a good opportunity to remind ourselves that we are waiting, and consider whether we are making the most of our time. In this passage, Matthew 24:36-51, Jesus asks us to consider whether we are keeping watch, whether we are waiting well.

Read the passage online here.

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Feeding of the 5,000 | Simple / Children’s Explanation

For the children’s spot in our online service this week, I recorded a video on the Feeding of the 5000. (Similar to the Parable of the Weeds one I did a couple of weeks ago). It’s a simple explanation of the story with a little bit to get us thinking about food! The passage is Matthew 14:13-21.

The weather wasn’t as hot as last time, and the ‘on location’ bit was a bit closer to home – from our kitchen!

Did you know? This is the only miracle which is recorded in all four gospels!

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Parable of the Weeds: Simple / Children’s Explanation

For our church service today, I decided to record the children’s spot “on location” in a farmer’s field. I thought it might help make the story more simply to visualise the parable of the weeds. The passage is Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43.

It was a really hot day – 30+ degrees – but I think it was worth it and it came out relatively well. Here it is, recorded for posterity’s sake!

At the moment I don’t have any other simple or children’s videos, but as and when I do I will add them to this category.

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