Authentic Religion – Matthew 6:1-4 – 11th June 2023

In our passage in Church with UTB this week, we are looking at Jesus’ words about authentic religion. In this chapter, Jesus turns to how we live out our devotion to God. We should live authentically as Christians who want to honour God, rather than as the hypocrites who only want praise from other people.

Suggested songs

Bible readings


The catechism videos are undated, as it’s best to work your way through in sequence. Simply pick the next one from this playlist.

Please do have a look at the Church with UTB page for a printable order of service and an online tool to help you find all the right videos / links etc.

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Understanding Money and Giving

The Bible has a lot to say about money. In this session we’re going to look at why it’s such an important issue, some principles of giving in the Bible, and how we can use our money in a godly way.

In the video I mention the book The Money Mentor which you might appreciate.

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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Authentic Religion – Matthew 6:1-18

Jesus’ words here are appropriate for a social media generation! He warns us against hypocritical religion, and shows us what we should be like instead.

The previous Sermon on the Mount video on “Misusing the Law (Matthew 5:33-48)” is available here.

In due course this series will replace the existing Sermon on the Mount series.

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Giving & Money – Living as a Christian part 7

In this video we look at the issue of money and giving. The Bible has a lot to say about how we use our money, and it’s an important part of the Christian life.

In this session we cover:

  • What the Bible has to say about money and the love of money;
  • The Old Testament principle of tithing;
  • The New Testament principle of generosity;
  • How we should put that into practice today.

This is part 7 of the “How to Live as a Christian” video course. In due course, this will be available as a as a course for you to complete as part of the teaching programme.

The How to Live as a Christian series is designed to help new (and not-so-new) Christians get up to speed about living in the way God wants us to. It’s designed to be practical, so that it’s not just all about the theory. You can check out all the videos so far on the YouTube playlist, or if you prefer you can read the whole series.

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