Raising children in the faith

Raising children is important but a topic we don’t spend much time thinking about. How should we raise children in the faith? This is something which is important for both parents and non-parents, single people and families to look at.

Recommended resources

These are links to the resources I mention at the end of the video:

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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Marriage and Relationships – God’s way

Have you ever seen a film or TV show where someone was happily single? Our society tells us all the time that being in a relationship is the thing which matters most. But what dose the Bible say about marriage? How do we live as a Christian in this part of our lives?

Recommended resources

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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Understanding Money and Giving

The Bible has a lot to say about money. In this session we’re going to look at why it’s such an important issue, some principles of giving in the Bible, and how we can use our money in a godly way.

In the video I mention the book The Money Mentor which you might appreciate.

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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How to serve others

Jesus said that serving others is at the heart of what he came to do, and it should therefore be at the heart of our own lives. But who should we serve? And how should we go about serving? In this session we look at serving our church, neighbour, and community.

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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Taking Communion

Communion is something important in a church – but why? What does it mean? And just how important is it? In this video we look at what the Bible says about communion and think about some practicalities.

The book I mentioned is Remembrance, Communion and Hope by J. Todd Billings.

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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How to BE the church!

Is church (a) a building, (b) a service, (c) people? In this session we look at what church actually is, and how we can go about being the church. Being the church is more than simply going on a Sunday – it requires a whole change of our mindset.

The book I mentioned at the end is Devoted to God’s Church by Sinclair Ferguson.

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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Getting started reading the Bible

Have you always wanted to read the Bible but have found it too difficult and given up? In this session we explore how to get started reading the Bible: what Bible should you use? When, and how? We also look at a few helpful resources to get you started!

Recommended Resources

Did you know – you can do the How to Live as a Christian course right here on the website!

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Prayer – How to live as a Christian #2

All about prayer – the what, why, how and when of prayer! In this session we see how we can use the Lord’s Prayer as a template for prayer. Also an interview with a special guest to talk about prayer.

Resources in the video

Also check out Andy Brown’s website, where he blogs regularly with Christian reflections and thoughts.

This is an updated version of the video course I recorded last year, based on the written series.

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How to live as a Christian #1: Following Jesus (New course!)

In the “What is Christianity?” course we looked at what Christianity actually is. But how do you actually live as a Christian, practically? In this new course, we’re going to look at how you actually live as a Christian. The first part is the most fundamental – it’s the foundation of everything else we say.

This is an updated version of the video course I recorded last year, based on the written series.

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