Approaching a holy God – Exodus 19 Sermon

Many Christians today have too low a view of who God is and what his holiness means. God is Almighty, not “all-matey”. This passage from Exodus 19 demonstrates what it means to come into God’s presence, and how much we should therefore treasure Christ.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

Church with UTB: This is part of Church with UTB. Please do have a look at that page for more information.

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Spiritual Knowledge – Practical Guide to Holiness #2

In the first step of our journey learning about holiness, we see that spiritual knowledge is vital. But do we mean by knowledge? How does spiritual knowledge differ from worldly knowledge? And how do we get it?

Find out more about this course by watching the Introduction.

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A practical guide to holiness – Introduction

This is the first part of a new course called “A practical guide to holiness”. We think about what holiness is, why we should be interested in it, and the dangers of ignoring holiness.

A Godly Man’s Picture

You can find a free PDF copy of Thomas Watson’s book “A Godly Man’s Picture” online here.

You can also buy a paperback copy from the Banner of Truth.

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What happens when you die? – Firm Foundations #40

What happens when we die, according to the Bible? Death is one of the biggest mysteries of life – we don’t know what lies beyond the grave. The Bible teaches us that, although there are some things we don’t know, there are things we can be sure about.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 39, on Death) is here.

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The Holiness of God – Firm Foundations #9

What does it mean for God to be “Holy”? In this session we look at what God’s holiness is and what difference it makes to us as Christians.

The series on Galatians I mention is available under the Galatians tag. The particular video I referred to about why we still should do good is part of the Galatians series – available here.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session is here.

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