Plumbing the depths of sin – Genesis 6:1-8 Sermon

In this sermon, we look at one of the most puzzling passages in Genesis. Who were the ‘Sons of God’ and the Nephilim? What was wrong about it all? And what does it have to say to us today?

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

If you’d prefer the audio-only podcast, see here.

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The Origins of Sin – Firm Foundations #18

If sin is so bad, then why do we still find it so attractive? In this session we look at the original sin of Adam and Eve from Genesis 3 to see what we can learn.

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 17, on What is Sin?) is here.

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Sin and its effects – Genesis 3 Sermon

In this sermon today we are looking at Genesis 3 – where everything went wrong. Genesis 3 helps us to understand what sin is and its effect upon us and the world. It explains why we know the world is not as it should be.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

If you’d prefer the audio-only podcast, see here.

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What is Christianity? 2 – Where it all went wrong

If God made a good world, then why is there so much bad stuff in the world? Why are there wars, and pandemics, and break-ups, and death? Why is my life in such a mess? In the second part of the What is Christianity? course we look at where it all went wrong – the cause of every bad thing in the world. Here we explore Genesis chapter 3, which explains how evil entered into the world.

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Repentance: (4) Hatred of Sin | Psalm 97

I think many of us feel uncomfortable about saying that we hate anything – but yet the Bible does tell us to hate certain things.

The passage is online here:

The Doctrine of Repentance is available in lots of places online e.g. as a PDF here:

Sermon recorded as part of a livestream on the Great Clacton Parish YouTube channel.

Podcast available here.

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What is Christianity? – 2: The Fall

Part two of a six-part series on the question “What is Christianity?” To answer the question we’ll look at a very brief overview of the whole Bible.

In this video we think about Genesis 3, one of the most important chapters in the Bible. We think about:

  1. What sin is,
  2. What sin does,
  3. How it explains the world.

If you don’t have a Bible you can get them online or via apps, e.g. the YouVersion Bible app, or The two Bible translations I mention are called the New International Version and the New Living Translation. You can read the Bible passage online here:

You may also listen to the audio-only version if you prefer.

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