Why did Jesus rise again? – The Resurrection – What Christians Believe 8

The Resurrection is one of the most important aspects of the Christian faith — and yet many Christians don’t understand it fully. Why was it so important for Jesus to rise again? And what difference does it make to our lives now – is it only for the future? In this session we explore the significance of Jesus’ resurrection.

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New life in Jesus – What is Christianity? (7)

Jesus died not simply to forgive our sins, but to give us new life. To become a Christian means to be “in Christ” – which means that we share in Jesus’ death and resurrection. It means that we can live a totally different kind of life.

Check out all posts under the “What is Christianity?” category for more sessions of this course.

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Resurrection & New Creation – what is heaven like? – Firm Foundations #41

In the final session of the Firm Foundations course, we are looking at the next life: what will things be like at the resurrection? Do we “go to heaven” when we die? What will the new creation be like?

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 40, on What happens when you die) is here.

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Christ’s exaltation – Firm Foundations #27

Christ humbled himself, even to death on a cross – and so God exalted him. He rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and will return as judge. What does that mean for us?

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session (part 26, on Christ’s humiliation in the incarnation) is here.

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Eternal Life – Apostle’s Creed #11

The majority of believe believe that there is some kind of eternal life – but what does it actually look like? There’s a lot of confusion on this even among Christians. In the final session of the creed we look at what eternal life will be like.

This is the final part of the course! You can do the whole course here on the website.

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A Risen Lord – Apostle’s Creed #7

“On the third day he rose again” – seven words which changed the world. But what does it mean, and how is it significant for us? In this video we look at the world-changing significance of the resurrection.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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Easter changes how we live – Philippians 3:1-14 Sermon

We celebrate Easter once a year, but it should make a difference to our lives the whole year round. In this sermon we think about how Easter, and especially the resurrection, makes a difference to us all the time.

You might like to have the passage in front of you as you listen – find it online here.

Enjoyed this sermon? See more on the sermons page.

Sermons are also available on the podcast.

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Eternal Life (Heidelberg 22)

In this session we finish off looking at the Apostle’s Creed: what does eternal life look like, and what comfort should we take from it?

There are two questions in this session. They’re based on the final lines of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting”.

  • Q57 “What comfort does the resurrection of the body offer you?”
  • Q58 “What comfort do you receive from the article about the life everlasting?”

A lot of people have questions about what eternal life / heaven looks like. The Bible doesn’t tell us everything we want to know – yet at the same time, there are things we can know. And it’s not about floating around in the clouds with a harp!

Want more?

If you enjoy this, you can do the whole series right here on the website, or on the app (see links on the right hand side of the page). Alternatively, I am uploading them regularly to YouTube and Facebook. All sessions on YouTube are available on this playlist.

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Raised to new life (Heidelberg 17)

In this session we look at the best news ever – the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Why is it the best news? Let’s look into it!

There is only one question in this session: “How does Christ’s resurrection benefit us?” But there are three parts to the answer:

  • First, by his resurrection he has overcome death, so that he could make us share in the righteousness which he had obtained for us by his death.
  • Second, by his power we too are raised up to a new life.
  • Third, Christ’s resurrection is to us a sure pledge of our glorious resurrection.

The key thing is that the resurrection is not simply a future event, but something that makes a difference for our lives in the here and now.

If you enjoy this, you can do the whole series right here on the website, or on the app (see links on the right hand side of the page). Alternatively, I am uploading them regularly to YouTube and Facebook. All sessions on YouTube are available on this playlist.

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