Who is God – God is Spirit – Firm Foundations #3

A lot of people say they believe in God – but believing in God is more than simply ticking a box on a survey. What does it mean to believe in God? And what does it mean for God to be spirit?

Find out more about the Firm Foundations course by watching the Introduction. The previous session is here.

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Ten Commandments #3 – Misusing God’s Name

In the third commandment, God tells us not to misuse the Lord’s name. But what does that even mean – how is it possible to use or misuse someone’s name? And how can we obey that in the 21st century?

You can find the interview with Andy Brown I mentioned here.

See more courses on the courses page.

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Ten Commandments #1 – No other gods

The first commandment is “You shall have no other gods before me”. What does that mean – surely there is only one god? How can we have other gods before God? How do we keep this commandment today?

You can do the What is Christianity course here on the website. (Once the Ten Commandments course is finished you will also be able to find it on the courses page).

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God our Creator – Apostle’s Creed #3

One of the most fundamental things to understand about Christianity is that God is our Creator. It’s a distinctive of Christianity and it makes a practical difference to our lives. In this session on the Apostle’s Creed we look at the line “Maker of heaven and earth”.

When it’s complete, this course will be available on the courses page.

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God is the ruler that we need – WSC #11

Who’s really in charge of the world? In this session we look at something called God’s providence, which means not only that God is in charge but that he’s a good ruler – the ruler we really need.

More Thought for the Week…

This is part of the weekly Thought for the Week series. This series is designed to give a short, 10-15 minute ‘thought’, including a Bible reading and a prayer. Currently I am working through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. You can see all videos on the catechism on this playlist.

Do subscribe to the mailing list if you want to get these delivered in a weekly email, or subscribe directly on YouTube or the podcast if you want to see them there.

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Does God have a plan? – Westminster Shorter Catechism #7

Our plans are often subject to change. The best laid plans don’t always come to pass. But is it really like that with God?

Explore Further

I don’t mention this in the video, but if you would like to read something more about God’s sovereignty and plan, especially in salvation, check out these books:

You might also appreciate Part #9 of the Heidelberg Catechism – “God our Father”.

More Thought for the Week…

This is part of the weekly Thought for the Week series. This series is designed to give a short, 10-15 minute ‘thought’, including a Bible reading and a prayer. Currently I am working through the Westminster Shorter Catechism. You can see all videos on the catechism on this playlist.

Do subscribe to the mailing list if you want to get these delivered in a weekly email, or subscribe directly on YouTube if you want to see them there.

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